Recently with the introduction of Apex 4.2 and later Apex 4.2.1 the default published packaged applications comes with a sleek logo just at the left-hand corner of the the login screen. Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 If u want to use these cool sprites that come with the later releases as said in the the former. From the above diagram, looking into the css inside the i / or anywhere that your images are stored navigate to the cloud/app_theme/css/4_1.css You would find the img.appIcon. class which houses all the sprite launchpad logos in the Fig 1 Inside the css, locate ------App Icons Image-- img.appIcon.project_tracking{background-position:-256px 0}{background-position:-320px 0}{background-position:-384px 0}img.appIcon.apex_service{background-position:-448px 0}img.appIcon.solar_red{background-position:-512px 0}img.appIcon.sales{background-position:-576px 0}img.appIcon.data_model...
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