Typically, after you have installed your version of the JasperReportsIntegration toolkit on your Apache Tomcat J2EE server, the configuration files will be located in the directory
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/JasperReportsIntegration.xml, for example version 4.7.0 of JasperReports, where $CATALINA_HOME represents the path to your installation of Tomcat where all the dataSource configuration are.
Similarly, after installation of your glassfish sever, you would have to upload the .war file located in the toolkit version you download Eg.webapp\JasperReportsIntegration.war
Locate lib/ojdbc14 and lib/orai18n in the JasperReportsIntegration toolkit copy and put them in {glassfish_installation}/glassfish/lib directory and restart glassfish (from {glassfish_installation}/glassfish/bin directory):
asadmin stop-domain domain1
asadmin start-domain domain1
Navigate to the administrator application on the default 4848:
Open the 'Applications >Deploy>
Please NB:
In the Context Root Located under [name of Domain]\applications\JasperReportsIntegration\META-INF\context.xml . modify it to your DataSource Eg.
Fill in property 'User' with the 'Value' : {db_user}
Fill in property 'Password' with the 'Value' : {db_user_pass}
Fill in property 'URL' with the 'Value' :
jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database name]
Select 'Finish'.
Select from 'Pool Name' combo box the pool we just created.
And select 'OK'.
Click Ping to test that it is working. If it is not, it is probably because you have mistyped the connection credentials. Go to 'Additional Properties' tab of the connection pool detail page and correct any errors. Try ping again.
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/JasperReportsIntegration.xml, for example version 4.7.0 of JasperReports, where $CATALINA_HOME represents the path to your installation of Tomcat where all the dataSource configuration are.
Similarly, after installation of your glassfish sever, you would have to upload the .war file located in the toolkit version you download Eg.webapp\JasperReportsIntegration.war
Locate lib/ojdbc14 and lib/orai18n in the JasperReportsIntegration toolkit copy and put them in {glassfish_installation}/glassfish/lib directory and restart glassfish (from {glassfish_installation}/glassfish/bin directory):
asadmin stop-domain domain1
asadmin start-domain domain1
or If it was set as a service, just restart it.
Navigate to the administrator application on the default 4848:
Open the 'Applications >Deploy>
Select New> upload the JasperReportsIntegration.war then OK.
In the Context Root Located under [name of Domain]\applications\JasperReportsIntegration\META-INF\context.xml . modify it to your DataSource Eg.
Open the Applications>Edit the JasperReports and Change the path to the New Context path minus the .xml
Open the 'Resources' -> 'JDBC' -> 'Connection Pools' and select 'New'.
Fill in the Connection Pool 'Name' with a suitable name like Oracle.
Fill in the Connection Pool 'Name' with a suitable name like Oracle.
Select 'Resource Type' : 'javax.sql.DataSource'.
Select 'Database Vendor' : 'Oracle'.
Select 'Next'.
Select 'Database Vendor' : 'Oracle'.
Select 'Next'.
At the next page go down at the additional Properties.
Find and edit the following properties :Fill in property 'User' with the 'Value' : {db_user}
Fill in property 'Password' with the 'Value' : {db_user_pass}
Fill in property 'URL' with the 'Value' :
jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database name]
Select 'Finish'.
Open the 'Resources' -> 'JDBC' -> 'JDBC Resources' and select 'New.
Fill the JNDI Name like 'jdbc/myconnnection'.Select from 'Pool Name' combo box the pool we just created.
And select 'OK'.
Click Ping to test that it is working. If it is not, it is probably because you have mistyped the connection credentials. Go to 'Additional Properties' tab of the connection pool detail page and correct any errors. Try ping again.
The Connection Pool is ready!Launch the JasperIntegration on the port specificed in your http Listener Port.
If you had any problems creating the pool, send me a message and I'll reply as soon as possible.
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