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APEX 4.2.1 released

On the 14. of december the APEX version was released. 
The Patchnotes are available under APEX 4.2.1 Patchnotes. The fixed bugs are listed up here. A short look over all fixed bugs sumerizes that the most fixes are belonging to the mobile theme and components of APEX.

These Know Iusses are still open bugs:
  • Developer Toolbar Not Available for Mobile Applications
  • Page Submit Actions Not Working for Some Longer Mobile Select Lists
  • Issues with Editing Items After Upgrade
  • Theme 25 Alert Region Does Not Support Multiple Page Items in the Same Row
Here are changes in the behaviour of APEX
  • Maximum Width for Textareas
    • Textarea can use less then maximum width
  • Enhanced Security for Report Links
    • JavaScript/jQuery can be mixed up with column name syntax
      javascript:alert( 'Delete #NAME#' );
  • jQuery Mobile
    • updated to 1.2.0
  • AnyChart 6
    • AnyChart 6.0.11 is included
  • Resizing of Charts on Mobile Page
    • Now its possible to resize charts in the mobile theme with jQueryMobile
    Keep in mind if you update a 4.2 release you have to go to and download the patch number 14732511.


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