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Showing posts from October, 2018

Expose your Local Development Environment to the outside world with Ngrok

When we develop on localhost, we usually use some kind of simple HTTP server like node, our Oracle database,APIs, webhooks, Callback Urls or whatever. This is all good and we are all pretty happy about that. We have access to our app using our fancy  http://localhost  url. We are happy, but  alone . What if you would like to share your app to a colleague that is not on the same network as yours ? What if you need to check your app on an SSL connection? What if you wanted an external system to pass you a process invoked by a method ? ngrok to the rescue Ngrok   is a simple “free” service that can help you with that. Here’s some of the features that it provides: Expose your locally hosted app/website to the outside world by providing you a  http(s)://{something}  url. Allows you to have an SSL connection to your localhost environment. Inspect/replay the requests made to your local environment Custom subdomain (required a premium accou...